Quickly access all your papers
Kleenk is about spreading your research results and we give you quick access to your papers, wherever they are. We’ve started with a few integrations such as Mendeley, Springer and PLoS but much more are on their way. Please let us know what you need and we’ll do our best.
Create links with other publications
When you create a kleenk with a paper of yours in becomes instantly connected with thousands of other papers in the first semantic network of scientific content. And we use it to bring your work to the attention of people that might be interested.
A kleenk map is an intuitive visual representation of a set of kleenks. It can show the kleenks related to a paper, to an author, to a topic, or … anything you want. And they are generated automatically! And you can share them with your colleagues!
Get more citations and bigger impact
Because we understand exactly how your work relates to its state of the art we can bring it to the attention of those people who are most interested in your results. And we provide clear and transparent stats about the impact your kleenks have through our platform, search engines and other research platforms.
Want to know more about the Kleenk story?
It all started about a year ago with a simple idea. The first prototype was called KontentLinks and it was awarded 2nd place in the Springer API Challenge 1.0. Then the project went on and got his final name, Kleenk, and was among “Top 10 applications that can impact science” in the Mendeley Binary Battle.
We also qualified for Seedcamp in Paris last December.
Note: We are sorry for the extended downtime. Looks like our hosting provider pulled the plug since we consumed too much bandwidth.